The debut album and it only took 5 plus years of bouncing ideas between Charlie Meadows and myself to get here, October 11th 2018 will be the official launch here in Sydney, Australia. I am one of those lucky people that gets to work with great musicians and singers all of the time and this album is no exception, everyone involved in the making of this labour of love is a master craftsperson and it just wouldn’t be the tour de force i think it is without them, check it out see if you agree.
Hi all, In the last little while I've been richly rewarded by the generosity of spirit of a few people and it's greatly appreciated as it's allowed me to fulfill a few dreams and start new pathways but at the same time i've lost a few people who had an impact on my life in varying degrees, Peter Glass, Randy Bennett and now my dad, Patrick Morley......... Peter and Randy where exemplary humans that lead by example in everything that they did and there were many lessons in how to treat fellow humans that I gleaned from both of them. Patrick was the father that my paternal father never was, always there for me, never judgemental but not afraid to pull me up if i needed it and his home was my sanctuary for over thirty years, I will miss him in ways i can't explain.
A new year with new possibilities
Well it's 2017 and so far it's been a rollercoaster, my son has been in hospital most of that time which was crappy for him and frustrating for me but thru it all we've managed to laugh a lot and I'm glad to say Lamar is improving rapidly into a slow recovery, meanwhile i've had some great gigs from Marrickville to Narooma to Melbourne with wonderful friends that play beautiful music, I really am lucky, so in amongst that I've been working on the Pat Powell album with another bunch of dear friends it's getting close and I might have to lean on you all to get it over the line, we'll see but i'll keep you posted. Right now i'm sad because two great musicians have left us but they both left musical imprints that i can hear whenever I want too...again that makes me lucky because it means i don't have to let go.
The place to find out what's going on with Pat Powell.
Hi Everyone, I'm on the catch up trail touching base with friends and loved ones that i don't see too often while i have a small break from gigging, hopefully you're still in town and findable, coffee, beer, wine and spirits will all play a part in this ritual :)