Rock 'n' Roll Markets, Manning Bar. Manning Rd, Camperdown NSW 2050. Ph(02) 9563 6000
Sydney Rock 'n' Roll & Alternative Market will be presenting their first ever BIG WEEKENDER not one but two awesome days!! - packed with a huge array of stallholders a massive entertainment line up for Saturday & Sunday!!
The AuSkas are excited to announce they will also be a part of Sundays entertainment - upstairs at the Manning Bar along side:
The Milky Bar Kids
The Rocksteady Rat Pack (feat. Members of The Allniters, Club Ska, The Porkers, Backy Skank & Steppin Razor)
Wes Pudsey & the Sonic Aces
...............And last but not least The Auskas!
DJ's spinning their special collection of rockin tunes for the day will be:–
Limpin’ Jimmy & the Swingin Kitten
Wally Rod Almighty
The Crimplenes & MC Limpin’ Jimmy!
There will also be a Classic Motorcycle & Scooter Display presented by Sydney Café Racers & the Ardly Normal Scooter Crew.
$5 Entry
Kids under 12 admitted free
(Under 18s welcome to the main bar in the company of parent or guardian)
A sure-fire afternoon to get everyones toes tapping and their legs movin to the cool rockin' beats!
See you's all there!